The Biblical Mandate for Discipleship
In the mid 1990’s three international CBT organizations gathered to see if they could agree (amidst their diversity) to a biblical definition of how the Holy Spirit brings a person to spiritual maturity and the training process that should accompany it (CBT). They believed that such a definition could help them bring greater clarity and refinement to the training they were providing to their churches around the world. Moreso, they hoped such a definition could align the work of the Spirit in the churches so that they could some day recognize and accept the leaders trained in the churches that used the definition. CCBT believes in and furthers the work of that original “Alliance for Church Based Training”. Here is their definition.
A Definition of CBT
Discipleship as understood and practiced by the Apostles was to bring all believers to maturity and as many as possible to leadership… “
“In the Church”
We believe biblical discipleship training takes place in the life and ministry of a local church; which is the visible expression of the Body of Christ (Ephesians 5:22-23; Acts 20:17)
“Under the Church”
We believe biblical discipleship training takes place under the authority of the leaders of a local church (Hebrews 13:17; Acts 20:25-31); who must give account for the training of godly leaders and the maturity of the church
“Through the Church”
We believe biblical discipleship training takes place through a non-formal, in-ministry, life-on-life approach to maturity and leadership development (Acts 11:25,26; 2 Timothy 2:2);
“For the Church”
We believe biblical discipleship training takes place for the sake of the lost and for the multiplication of the local church worldwide (Acts 13:1-5; 14:21-28).
“Among the Churches”
We believe biblical discipleship training is for both the local church and the Church as a whole; so we promote both autonomy and interdependence between the churches in their discipleship process. We urge collaboration around the use of resources, methods, practices, and confirmation processes for the making of disciples (Acts 11:22-24).
Vision for the future of Church Based Training
Looking Forward 10 Years
The network of church associated with CCBT is the largest network of churches focused on CBT in the world.
CCBT in Dallas is an critical catalytic support partner for the network of churches practicing CBT.
Local seminaries, bible schools and other ministries collaborate with the CCBT and the network.
Churches on every continent and in 50 countries around the world are part of the network.
A recognized non-formal certification process (i.e. commission or ordination) is embraced by all churches in the network.
Churches in the network are consistently planting new churches with mature trained leaders coming out of network churches.
Churches in the network embrace facilitated learning as the preferred model of adult learning.
Churches In the network embrace an intentional discipleship pathway.
Churches in the network are developing new materials and sharing those with other members of the network through CCBT.
Regional groups of churches collaborate to strengthen the network globally.
A commitment to train effective facilitators and coaches in new network churches is embraced by all churches.
Addendum: Epilogue Leadership Baton